Thanks for a great week back at school! It was exciting to welcome back our returning students and to meet new families and students.



Back to School night is an important event that connects you with your child’s teacher to learn more about what your child will be learning this year to help us be partners in your child’s education. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide childcare during this event. Students that come with their parents will need to stay with them in the classroom.

5th grade back to school night: Thursday, August 24th

5th grade only Back to School Night and information regarding 5th grade puberty education, at 5:30 in the auditorium.


TK-4th grade back to school night: Thursday, August 31st

TK, K and 1st Back to School Night 6:00pm - 6:45 p.m in your child’s classroom

Whole school meeting in auditorium 6:45- 7:00 

2nd, 3rd, 4th grade Back to School Night 7:00-7:45 in your child’s classroom


Rolling Drop-Off

Rolling Drop-off is a convenient and easy way to drop your student off at the curb right outside the schoolyard gates.  To keep everyone safe, it is crucial to follow all traffic laws and rolling drop-off procedures.  Students should not exit the car until they are near the front of the line.  Look for a volunteer wearing a yellow vest to guide you.  Please do not park and exit your car.  A volunteer will help your student out.  After your student is dropped off, please wait in line and do not pull out between the cones or make U-turns in the middle of the street.  For more information about Rolling Drop-Off, please visit the Rolling Drop-Off page on the MX website.


Mark Your Calendar!

Thu. 8/24 5:30pm — 5th grade only Back to School Night and information regarding 5th grade puberty education


Thu. 8/31st 6:00pm - 6:45 p.m — TK, K and 1st Back to School Night

                6:45- 7:00 Whole school meeting in auditorium

                7:00-7:45 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade Back to School Night


Wed. 9/13 6:00pm - 7:30p.m. — First PTA General Meeting of the school year — all are welcome!  More details to come.


Pick up/Dismissal:

Please make plans for dismissal with your student before school. It is helpful to designate a meeting point with your student/s at dismissal time.  All families will be asked to clear the campus at 1:45 (TK, Kinder) and 2:30 (1st - 5th).  The gates will be locked at 2:35 (1:45 on Wednesdays) so that LEARNS and BEARS can run their programs.

  • Please make sure to follow all traffic laws during drop off and pick up everyday.

  • Do not double park, leave your car unattended in the rolling drop off zone, or park in driveways during drop off or pick up times. Please be mindful of the bus zone as well.  Berkeley Parking Enforcement has been out in force now that school is back in session.

Malcolm X E-Tree

Are you on the E-Tree?  If you haven’t already, please sign up to connect with our school community and receive important email updates.  You can subscribe here.


Noticias Escolares


Gracias por una primera semana de clases tan excelente!


Noche de regreso a clases

La noche de regreso a clases es un evento importante que hace una conexión entre padres y maestros. Es una oportunidad de conocer al maestro o la maestra de sus hijos, y aprender acerca de las metas del grado, para así colaborar en la educación de sus hijos.

Desafortunadamente,  no podemos proveer cuidado de niños durante este evento, pero la participación de los padres o guardianes es muy importante. Los niños que vengan con sus padres necesitarán quedarse con ellos en el salón.


Noche de regreso a clases de quinto grado-- jueves, 24 de agosto: 

SOLAMENTE 5th grado– noche de regreso a clases e información de la educación acerca de la pubertad a las 5:30 en el auditorio.


Noche de regreso a clases para Grados TK - CUARTO: jueves, 31 de agosto

6:00-6:45 Noche de regreso a clases de TK, kinder y 1º en el salón de clases de su hijo/a

6:45-7:00 Junta general en el auditorio

7:00-7:45 Noche de regreso a clases de 2º, 3º y 4º grade Back to School en el salón de clases de su hijo/a.



Por favor haga planes para la salida con su estudiante antes de llegar a la escuela. Es útil designar un punto de encuentro con su estudiante a la hora de la salida. Se les pedirá a todas las familias que desalojen el campus a la 1:45 pm (TK, Kinder) y a las 2:35 pm (1° a 5°). Las puertas se cerrarán a las 2:35 (1:45 los miércoles) para que LEARNS y BEARS puedan ejecutar sus programas.

Asegúrese de seguir todas las leyes de tránsito durante la entrada y salida todos los días. Favor de no estacionarse en doble fila, dejar su automóvil desatendido, ni estacionarse en las entradas de vehículos durante los horarios de entrada o salida. Tenga en cuenta también la zona de autobuses. El Control de Tráfico de Berkeley ha estado muy presente alrededor de la escuela ahora que ya estamos en sesión.


Primera junta general del PTA

miércoles 13 de septiembre de las 6:00pm- 7:30 — ¡todos son bienvenidos! Más detalles a continuación.