Want to know what’s going on? Want to spread the word? Here’s how!
In an effort to reach the entire MX community with current information, there are multiple methods off communication. Here's a rundown of how to stay informed, and help spread the word.
Receive all the latest school-wide announcements by email through the MX E-Tree.
How to Get Information
Subscribe to the Malcolm X E-Tree: http://www.mxpta.org/etree
how to share information
Submit items to the E-Tree by emailing mx.etree@gmail.com.
E-Tree posts are moderated. The timing of publication is determined by the moderator.
Moderator: Vicki Davis, vicki.davis@mxpta.org. Please use this email for general questions only. If you are submitting a post, please email mx.etree@gmail.com.
The principal’s weekly newsletter.
How to get information
A printed copy goes home every week in your child’s backpack or will be emailed through the E-Tree
How to share information
Email submissions to communications@mxpta.org
School Newsletter items received by Monday afternoon will be included in the following week’s newsletter. [Note new submissions deadline as of Fall 2015]
Robo calls are recorded phone messages sent by the BUSD administration or from the Malcolm X principal.
How to get information
Robo calls are sent to every home phone number on record.
How to share information
To send a robo call for a school event, provide a printed script to the MX front office Secretary two days prior to the call.
Each classroom has a parent representative who share specific class and/or grade-level information, and coordinate parent volunteers.
How to get information
Information from room parents may be provided through an email list or webpage set up for individual classrooms, sign-up sheets, or materials sent home with students.
How to share information
Email the room parents by contacting the Room Parent Coordinator.
Coordinator: Tamar Graff, tamar.graff@mxpta.org
How to get information
“Like” the Malcolm X Elementary Facebook page to see all the latest news in your Facebook newsfeed.
Follow at: https://www.facebook.com/MalcolmXElementary
How to share information
Post directly to the Facebook page, or by email the moderator.
Moderator: Patrick Oh, patrick.oh@mxpta.org
The online presence of the MX school community and PTA.
How to get information
Visit this site. For current updates, check out the News (blog) page.
How to share information
To add information contact Patrick Oh, website@mxpta.org
Upcoming school and community events, early release and no-school days, and all things related to happenings at MX
How to get information
Visit the School Calendar page or subscribe to the google calendar.
How to share information
See something missing from the calendar? Contact communications@mxpta.org.