Please refer to the COVID Information page for instructions regarding absences related to COVID-19.

When your child is absent from school, please phone the school office at (510) 644-6313 or email Sandra Valenzuela at as soon as possible. When leaving a message or email regarding your child’s absence please provide the following information: 

  • Student’s name 

  • Date(s) absent 

  • Reason for absence 

  • Grade/teacher 

  • Your name and your relation to child 

  • Daytime phone number  

If your child is ill for more than 3 consecutive days, please provide the office with a doctor's note to excuse the absence.

Please be aware that the State does not reimburse the District for any absence. Every day a student is absent results in a loss of revenue to the District. The District is still required to keep accurate records of student attendance and reasons for absences. Per Education Code 48205, excused absences include: illness, medical appointments, funeral services for a member of the immediate family, jury duty, time with a member of the immediate family who is on active duty, and for justifiable personal reasons upon written request by the parent/guardian and approval of the principal. Absences for justifiable personal reasons may include, but are not limited to, religious holidays, attendance at religious retreats (four hours per semester maximum). When a student has had excessive absences due to illness, the parent/guardian may be required to have a physician verify subsequent absences due to illness. Unexcused absences may affect a student’s academic standing. 

Family vacations are not excused absences, however the school still needs to know, so do call and report the absence. Please remember to schedule them during school breaks. Everyday a student is absent results in a loss of approximately $33 per child, per day, in revenue to the district.

California law requires that all children ages 6-18, not otherwise exempted or excluded, attend school full time. Parents are legally responsible for their child’s attendance at school during the entire school year. Parents of truant students may be held civilly and criminally accountable for their child’s truancy. 

Tardies/Late Arrival

The school yard opens at 8:00, school starts at 8:10am.

Students are considered “tardy” when they arrive after 8:10am. If your child arrives after 8:30am, please go to the office before going to class to avoid being marked absent for the day.

When the morning bell rings, students are expected to line up on the playground with their class. It is very important to your child’s learning and the learning of other students that all students be at school on time and ready to learn.

When a student arrives late to class it causes disruptions to the learning of other students.

Extended Absences

Our school district takes student attendance very seriously and no longer offers independent study contracts for students absent from school for family vacations. Much of what child learns comes directly from contact with the classroom teacher. It cannot be duplicated on a piece of paper.

If you know that your child will be absent from school for more than 5 days, please contact your child’s teacher and the front office to see if your child’s absence qualifies for Independent Study.

If the absence qualifies, your child’s teacher can design an Independent Study assignment which will be checked upon his/her return. Completion of the Independent Study work will allow the district to collect ADA (Average Daily Attendance) funds and will help keep your child from falling behind in his/her schoolwork.

Please note that not all extended absences qualify for Independent Study. Vacations and trips should be scheduled during times when school is not in session.


Students with conditions requiring special care (asthma, seizures, food allergies) during their school day must have a care plan on file. A BUSD Medication Authorization Form must be signed by a student’s parent and physician in order for school staff to administer medications. For more information, visit BUSD Student Health and Wellness.

If your child is sick

Please do not send them to school or to another group child care program; please make plans for home care for children that become ill. If your child will be out, please check with their teacher about home learning activities. Please refer to the COVID Information page for more information if you child tests positive or is experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19.

When to return to school after an illness

Students and staff with flu-like illness should stay home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever, or signs of fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.