Masks, particularly high-quality and well-fitting masks (PDF), remain highly effective, inexpensive, and dynamic tools to protect oneself and mitigate transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory pathogens. The District will have masks available for any student or staff seeking one. BUSD will follow any CDPH or City of Berkeley Public Health masking order. All close contacts should mask for ten days after their last exposure to a case and all cases should mask for 10 days.
Berkeley Unified strongly urges all eligible students and all staff to get vaccinated as a key way to protect the health of students and our larger community, and to avoid lengthy quarantines at home in the event of an exposure to a positive COVID case. There are many vaccination opportunities available for students.
CDPH recommends the distribution of Over the Counter (OTC) antigen test kits to students and staff, and particularly for vulnerable communities, as the district’s primary testing strategy. These tests would almost always be taken at home by students, with parent/caregiver help. Most tests are not approved for children under age 14 or 15 to self test. Staff may test at work or at home, at their discretion.
Testing should be considered when engaging in activities that might result in high-risk exposures (e.g., large gatherings, travel). Such activities may occur more often during major breaks from school (e.g., summer, winter, spring)..
If your student tests POSITIVE (+), please do not send them to school! Parents/caregivers may report their student’s case by filling out the Case Reporting Form.
Alternatively, parents/caregivers or staff who are unable to fill out a Case Reporting Form can report a COVID-19 case by emailing BUSD's Case Response Team at: Include the following information:
Student's first and last name
Date of positive test
Date symptoms started
All students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate at home through at least Day 5. Day zero is the day the case’s symptoms began or the day they took a COVID-19 test if they did not have symptoms. Isolation is defined as the separation of those infected with a contagious disease from people who are not infected. Students and staff positive for COVID-19 can return to school/work on or after Day 6 when:
Their symptoms are gone or mild and improving AND
They have not had a fever in 24 hours and have not used fever-reducing medication.
Note that there is no longer a requirement to test negative in order to return.