Lace up those shoes, dust off those bikes, or get ready to share your ride! The Safe Routes to Schools Pollution Solution 2019: Golden Sneaker Contest runs through Friday, March 8th. 

Participating classrooms will be tracking and talking about the benefits of using active transportation—walking and rolling (biking, skateboarding, or using a scooter) or shared transportation (riding the school bus, using public transportation and/or carpooling with other families)—to come to school. 

The classroom with the highest percentage of these healthy travel choices will win the Golden Sneaker Trophy and celebration. The Golden Sneaker contest offers a chance for every student to participate. If you live too far from school to walk or roll you can always: 

• Park a few blocks away and walk 

• Meet up with friends and walk as a group 

• Start a carpool 

To find out more details or to get involved contact  coordinator Tim O'Keefe at