Berkeley Schools Volunteers is the district-wide program that recruits, screens, and trains hundreds of community volunteers each year to support classroom learning across every BUSD school.

Berkeley Schools Volunteers is offering a free training for ALL classroom volunteers (both parent and community) on how to best support elementary math learning in this new era of the Common Core. Taught in partnership with BUSD’s district math coach, this experiential workshop will demystify the “new math” and focus on what classroom volunteers (and even parents at home!) should and shouldn’t be doing or saying to support our students’ deepest mathematical thinking.

This training is for everyone – even those who don’t currently think of themselves as “math people.” Don't miss this eye-opening learning experience!

Thursday, Nov 21st, 3-5 pm
District Office: 2020 Bonar Street, 1st floor, Room 126

TO RSVP, please visit Questions? Contact Duffy Ross, Director of Programs, Berkeley Public Schools Fund,

Nov. 21: Aclarando las Matemáticas de Common para los voluntarios de salones

Berkeley Schools Volunteers es el programa del distrito que recluta y entrena a cientos de voluntarios de la comunidad cada ano para apoyar al emprendimiento en todas las escuelas de BUSD.

Berkeley Schools Volunteers está ofreciendo entrenamiento para TODOS los voluntarios de salones (padres y comunidad) en cómo apoyar al emprendimiento de matemáticas en primaria en esta nueva era de Common Core. Este taller va ser enseñado por un maestro de matematicas que apoya a maetros con el curriculum en BUSD y va ser para enfocarse en como funciona las “nuevas matematicas” y como pueden ayudar los voluntaries y padres en las casas tambien.

Este taller es para todos inclyuendo ustedes que no crean que son “gente que entienda las matematicas”. No falte al taller para aprender mas de como piensan nuestros estudiantes!

Jueves, 21 de Nov, 3-5 pm
Oficinas de el Distrito: 2020 Bonar Street, 1er Piso, Salon 126

Para Reservar Su Lugar: Preguntas? Contacte a Duffy Ross, El director de Programas,

Berkeley Public Schools Fund,