Dear MX Families,
As the winter sets in and students start to get the sniffles, I would like to review how to excuse an absence. You can call, email, or come in person to the office to excuse an absence for illness within 5 days. The contact for email is our school secretary, Erin Holland (erinholland@berkeley,net). Please contact the office directly, rather than leaving this information with the teacher. It creates an additional step for our busy teachers to remember, and we may end up with crossed signals.
- If your child is ill for more than 3 consecutive days, please provide the office with a doctor's note to excuse the absence.
- Please remember that family vacations and trips are not excused absences, and remember to schedule them during school breaks.
- If your child will be missing part of the day for an appointment, please still bring them to school for the remainder of the day, along with a note from the doctor or dentist.
Attend today, Achieve for a Lifetime!
Alexander Marcos Hunt