Looking for a good book, a reading suggestion or a game to help with math skills or typing? Please check out Malcolm X’s new library website (http://library.berkeleyschools.net/malcolm-x-library/).
It not only has a new look but also lots of new resources. To search for a book, find an online resource or to read an ebook, click on the Library Catalog icon. Leveled reading lists, great book recommendations as well as stories to listen to and read can be found by clicking the Reading Suggestions icon. These are just a few of the things you’ll find on the new website. Have fun exploring!
You will need passwords to access some of the resources:
World Book Online
username: mxwb
password: student
Teaching Books
username: busd
password: busd
Follett Shelf ebooks (in the Library Catalog)
username: malcolmx
password: shelf
Happy Reading!
-- Jennifer Gordon, Library Media Tech, Malcolm X Elementary School