If you haven't already, please consider sending an email out to your friends, family, and co-workers today to support this Saturday's Walk-A-Thon from 10 am to 1 pm.  Below is a sample letter that you may copy.  Just change the names.  Remember if you can't make it, designate someone to walk for you and you can still collect your pledges and turn them in. This participation still counts for the class parties.

You should have received a packet (envelope) with the pledge sheet.  If you have any questions or are willing to be one of the much-needed volunteers please, contact Walk-A-Thon coordinator Jessica Bohn.

To donate to the bake sale, contact April Swartz.

Thanks for efforts!

Julie Cowles, MX PTA Fundraising Chair



Dear Friends and Family,

Please consider supporting Serene and her fabulous public school, Malcolm X Elementary, by making a pledge to this Saturday's Walk-a-Thon.  The students will walk laps, hula hoop, read books, and run sprints to raise money for many important programs.

Donations will support classroom supplies, drama, dance, music, gardening and other enrichment programs for all the children at Malcolm X Elementary. These programs would not exist as they do without PTA support. Last year's Walk-a-Thon raised $25,000 for the school.

You can pledge either a flat amount or make a per-lap pledge. Classes with the most pledges will win prizes.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you are willing to donate. Funds need to be turned in by Monday, November 3th.

Serene is excited to be walking laps for her school. I hope you’ll support her efforts.
